AccuRange 3000

Photo of AccuRange 3000

The main sensor we use at the moment for environment modelling is the laser range finder AccuRange_3000, available in three different options: visible, infrared, infrared high Power.

(We use the visible laser and have built a deflection unit for this laser [see picture]. This device rotates with 2 revolutions per second and produces 720 range values per revolution.)

Technical data
Fixed Laser
5mW Class 3a (visible)
5mW Class 3b (infrared)
25mW Class 3b (infrared high power)
Measuring method: not known.
Accuracy: Single measurement approx. 5cm, because of high measurement rate (4-40 Mhz, depending on the distance) oversampling possible, accuracy up to approx. 1mm.
Range: 25cm up to 8m (visible laser)

Typical 360°-scan of AccuRange 3000:
(Robot position marked by red triangle, range readings by blue points; distance grid indicates steps of 1 m)

Scan AccuRange 3000

Acuity Research, Inc.
3475 Edison Way, Unit P
Menlo Park, CA 94025
tel: 650-369-6782
fax: 650-369 6785
(Bob Clark, e-mail: